How I Made $1,000 On A Single Blog Post

My story of stumbling into freelance writing.

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I couldn’t believe it—$1,000 total for a blog post that was less than 1,000 words. Unreal.

That was the first time—and the last time (for now, fingers crossed).

I’m going to share how I made $1,000 on a single blog post. It’s my story of stumbling into the world of freelance writing—or, really seeing that you could make a decent income writing online.

I’ve heard of freelancing before. That wasn’t new to me. But making money from something I enjoy doing—now that was new, exciting, and eye-opening.

This is NOT a get-rich scheme or a framework to make $1,000 for every blog post you write. That’s certainly not true for me.

This is simply my story—and my purpose in sharing it is to hopefully inspire you to take one more step in becoming a writer who is admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering!


Your story matters. You have a voice. And only your voice can tell your story.

Plus, the words you pen could inspire, challenge, and change others—so, why not write?

As a Christian content creator and writer, I believe there are huge possibilities with writing online that many writers are missing out on.

I believe there is power in words—whether sharing truth from the Bible or writing a blog post about the dangers of certain tech.

Many just don’t know that they can write online, make an income, and reach more people than at any time in history. We can talk to someone several thousand miles away at any moment and can write a blog post that reaches more people than a James Patterson novel—that’s crazy to think about, right?

Okay, story time…

I’ve had a love for writing since I was twelve years old.

I remember reading every Magic Tree House book I could get my hands on in the 2nd grade. I was hooked on literature early on—and when the world of online writing opened up when I was older…now that has been a game-changer!

When I was in middle school, after having read the first two books in the Harry Potter series several times I knew I wanted to write a book.

So I did.

I hand-wrote my first book in middle school. It was my version of Harry Potter. 70 pages—written in the handwriting of a middle schooler.

I knew then I wanted to write AND publish a book before I graduated high school.

Fast forward to my 9th grade year, I wrote my first novel. It was a suspense novel that was every bit 100,000 words long.

And then my computer crashed—and I lost every word.

I could have given up on my dream then, but I knew if I wanted to write and publish a book, I had to be admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering!

So, I continued to write.

Fast forward to my junior year in high school. I had a writing assignment for my English class that eventually became too long to be just a short story.

I just kept writing.

And writing.

And before I knew it—just six months later—I had finished my next book.

I stumbled across a publisher, submitted my book, and in November of my senior year, my first book was published. Today, that book is out of print and that publisher is on my never-do-business-with-again list. That’s a story for another time.

I’ve always dreamed of earning an income from writing. I once thought that was only possible if you wrote books and became a successful author.

The world of online writing changed that view entirely.

As I got older, with a few more books published, I began to realize I probably would never be the next J.K. Rowling or James Patterson. And that’s okay. I can only be me.

So, in the early 2000s, I began to blog.

Remember when blogging was more about sharing your life like an online journal? Remember how it once was a thriving community? I miss that.

I blogged off and on from 2010 to 2017—that’s when I began to hear more and more about freelance writing.

I began to hear of writers earning hundreds, thousands, and even six-figures freelance writing. I still find it mind-blowing that you can make thousands of dollars writing online—wild!

I began to get my feet wet in the world of freelance writing. It wasn’t very successful. The first few years of taking writing online seriously I made less than $100.

Not bad compared to some others who made $5,000+ in one month, right? Yeah, I know—it wasn’t great.

But in 2021 that changed.

This was the year I made $1,000 on a single blog post.

I still find it baffling I was paid so much and still don’t understand why! I’m thankful, nonetheless.

My wife and I went with some family to a concert. It was at this concert I got connected with an organization that helped children.

Long story short, I eventually reached out to them about writing for them. Why? Something in me compelled me to reach out—of course, I know that was the Lord. It turned out to be a major blessing.

I guess it was one of those cold pitches freelancers often talk about.

To my surprise, they responded with an offer!

I wrote them an article about my experience with their organization and because of the website it was submitted and published on, their domain authority was in the 80s, so they paid more than normal.

My jaw dropped when I got the email saying they were going to pay me $150 for the article and then another $850 once it was published on the website that had high domain authority.

And once it was published that’s how I made $1,000 on a single blog post.

To date, that has not happened again. Will it happen again? I don’t know.

I honestly don’t write with the sole purpose of making tons of money. Does it help my family when I do make a decent amount when writing online? Absolutely! I have 4 kids now—life is expensive!

The point of sharing this is when we are resolute it changes things.

Early on in my journey of writing online, I could have given up, but I was admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering—and it eventually paid off! Literally!

You could make $1,000 or more writing a single blog post (or more or less). Writing online opens a lot of possibilities. The key is to write, not give up, and keep going even when it gets hard.

I’m sure writing this newsletter will be hard, but my goal is to help writers become admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering—to become resolute in writing. I’m up for the task.

Are you?

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